Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 21 May 1901
Corrected and added to Orpheus and Poppy.
Went to town—bathed. Arranged for typing of b[oo]k 1 of Orpheus, etc.
After bathing 1. 1st Position[1] 45 mi[nutes] Fair.
A "double" formula for Physical Astral Projection. First project with Enterer sign; Simulacrum answers with Harpocrates sign. Then as soon as Enterer sign weakens change consciousness as for Astral Visions. After which attack body from Simulcram with sign of Enterer to draw force. This cycle repeat until Simulcram is at least capable of audible speech.
I tried this and started by invoking forces of Chokmah and Thoth, but omitted stating purpose of Operation in so many words. Yet with three projections (each way) I got a shadowy greyness somewhat human in shape. But found difficulty where least expected—in transferring consciousness to Simulacrum.
Q[uer]y. Would severe fasting help this? I believe 'twould be easier to steal another man's body—but Cui Bono? With P.A.P. I expect to dispense with the Magical Carpet—eventually.
1—I.e. Self in Âkâsas between pillars with white ray descending.