Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 22 May 1901



Cymbeline I ii 30.


Tiffin in town. Looked up Өeo and  S  and saw to typing.


1. God-form Thoth 16 m[inutes] Fair.


2. Akâsa-Akâsa. During the meditation the following Vision was seen. All things around me were surrounded by silver flashes or streaks. But about the human corpse which I saw before me there were fewer, and they moved more slowly. Above me was a pyramid of flashing light, and around me purple hangings. Five silver candlesticks were brought in, and then I saw a throne with pentagram in white brilliance above it. There was a rose of five by five petals within; and above Qeseth the rainbow. Rising from the ground were formless demons—all faces! Even as X.A.R.P.[1] etc., are evil. Above were the Gods of E.H.N.B.; and above them svastika wheels whirling, and again above this the Light ineffable.


Spooned on Alice [Mary Rogers]; told her I loved her: Kissed and was kissed.



1—The four letters of the Air line in the “Little Tablet of Union” which unites the four great Watch Towers of the Elements (see Dr. Dee’s system, also Golden Dawn MS. entitled “The Concourse of the Forces).” Thus the T of Nanta represents Earth of Earth—the Empress of Pantacles in the Taro, and that letter is used as an initial for names of angels drawn from the Earthy corner of the Earth tablet.



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