Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 20 June 1901
Am very ill—pains, head, etc.
Drank 1/2 bott[le] wine at lunch and went to bed taking 6 pills diaphoretic. Temp 100.
Woke 2 h[ou]rs later not perspiring but fearfully hot. Started Quinine, Temp varied from 102 1/2 - 1903 1/2 for hours. Took 70 gr[ains] Q[uinine] S[ulphate] in all.
Temp. slowly subsiding, then profuse perspiration.
Alice [Mary Rogers] very good and kind to me.
Guide returned having fixed 2 rooms for me [in Kamakura][1].
1—Kamakura is located about 50 kilometres (31 miles) south-south-west of Tokyo.