Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 1 August 1901



The Writings of Truth


The Seeker after Wisdom, whose Bliss in non-Existence, the Devotee of the Most Excellent Bhavani, the Wanderer of the Samsara-cakra, the Insect that crawls on Terra, on Seb beneath Nuit, the Purusha beyond Ishwara: He taketh up the Pen of the Ready Writer, to record those Mysterious Happenings which came unto Him in His Search for Himself. And the beginning is of Spells and of Conjurations and of Evocations of the Evil Ones. Things unlawful to write of, dangerous even to think of: wherefore they are not here written. But he beginnith eith his Sojourning in the Isle of Lanka [Ceylon]: the time of his dwelling with Maitrananda Swami [Allan Bennett]. Wherefore, O Bhavani, bring Thou all unto Proper End! To These be Glory.





     Position 1.[1] 10 m[inutes]. Not bad.


     I exist not: there is no God: no place: no time: wherefore I exactly particularize and specify these things.



I.e. Self in Ākāsas between pillars with white ray descending.



[74], [237]