Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 31 August 1901
6.10-6.40 Suddhi. “Sweet as a singing rain of silver dew” is the Voice of Nâda. Â’sana is evidently a question of training. At one point there were two or three distinct sharp throbs in the third eye. (Ajna.)
9.15 a.m. - 9.55 a.m. Dhâranâ on Ajna. Tendency to become strained and rigid, with internal Kumbhaka, quite unconsciously. Exactly like a difficult stool, only the direction of force is upwards—very fatiguing.
10.24 a.m. - 10.28 a.m. Suddhi. Ida[1] stopped up.
Change of Nâda-note to a dull sound. Extreme excitement of Chitta, sleep impossible. Concentrating on Anahata gives sleepiness at once. I felt the pump action of the blood very plainly and also experienced Suksham-Kumbhaka, the subtle involuntary Kumbhaka.
6.10 p.m. - 6.40 p.m. Suddhi. One minute thirty-five seconds for a cycle.
Repeated waking with nightmare.
Test Kumbhaka, 45 and 55 seconds.
1—Crowley's nickname for his left nostril.