Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 4 September 1901



Looking at Shiva pantacle and muttering "Aum Shivayavashi". I believe the weight is lessened.


[Pencil note by Crowley: "Weight = corporeal w[eight]."]


Dharana on tip of nose. "And if you're passing, won't you?" said an audible voice. This effect not unknown to me before in certain states of mental fatigue. Nose very sensitive physically. A fleck of down lighting on it gave me the jumps.





12.15 p.m. - 12.52 p.m. Fifty-two Suddi-Kumbhakas or Prânâyâmas. 5. 10. 20 for 30 minutes. 10. 15. 30 for 6 minutes.


5.25 p.m. - 6.26 p.m. Prânâyâma. 5. 10. 20 for 31 minutes without any breaks.


9.25 a.m. - 9.50 a.m. Dhâranâ on the Shiva Pantacle given me by Mâitrânanda Swami, mentally muttering “Aum Shivaya Vashi.” Nothing particular occurred, though (were I not fixed in the knowledge of the vanity of physiological tests ) I should judge my weight had diminished. The Â’sana gave no pain till I moved. I had my eyes turned up to the third eye.


Vivekânanda says: “vibration of body” is the second stage of Prânâyâma. I get this, but put it down to weakness. Dhâranâ on tip of nose for five minutes. Heard a voice saying: “And if you’re passing, won’t you?”


Concentration on any organ seems to make it very sensitive—a fleck of down lighting on my nose made me jump.

