Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 5 September 1901
With Pranayama one may get confused-dizzy and unable to see clearly e.g. the second hand of the watch. Definitely heard the Astral Bell: not mine but M's [Allan Bennett].
Dharana on Nose gives a clear understanding of the unreality of that nose: its difference from me "Me". An hour after this Dharana, lying in bed, I felt hot breath on my arm and asked "What can this be from?"
9.20 a.m. - 9.50 a.m. Prânâyâma. Three cycles of 7 minutes (i.e. Twelve cycles of 5. 10. 20 = one cycle of 7 minutes) with intervals of 3 minutes after each cycle.
6.10 a.m. - 6.40 a.m. Prânâyâma. Two cycles of 5.10.20. The counting got mixed and things seemed to tend to get buzzy and obscure. Found it difficult to follow clearly the second-hand of a watch. One cycle of four minutes of 10. 20. 30.
7.0 p.m. Heard astral bell, not mine but Shri Mâitrânanda’s [Allan Bennett].
10.45 p.m. - 10.55 p.m. Dhâranâ on tip of nose. I obtained a clear understanding of the unreality of that nose. This persists. An hour later whilst breathing on my arm as I was asleep I said to myself: “What is this hot breath from?” I was forced to think before I could answer “my nose.” Then I pinched myself and remembered at once; but again breathing the same thing happened again. Therefore the “Dhâranâtion” of my nose dividualizes Me and My Nose, affects my nose, disproves my nose, abolishes, annihilates and expunges my nose.
11.25 p.m. - 11.34 p.m. Dhâranâ on end of Verendum.