Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 8 September 1901
The Ajna Cakkra is misty blue-gray texture of fine hair. Flame-cone in shape. At intervals it opens out like a flower. Heard my own Astral Bell.
Dharana. Similar effect to 4th inst. Feeling of intense pleasure added.
9.50 a.m. - 10.20 a.m. Prânâyâma. Ten minutes 5. 10. 20; 4 minutes 10. 25. 30; 6 minutes 10. 25. 30. Looking at the light at the top of my head. It was of a misty blue colour, its shape was that of an ordinary cone of flame, long and homogeneous. At intervals it dropped and opened out like a flower, its texture was that of fine hair. Mâitrânanda told me that this result was very good, and that these petals are of the Ajna Chakkra.
2.10 p.m. - 2.45 p.m. Prânâyâma. Seven minutes 5. 10. 20.; Dhâranâ on nose thirteen minutes. During this Prânâyâma I heard the Astral Bell twice or thrice. Prânâyâma 8 minutes. 10. 20. 30.
Perspiration which has been almost suppressed of late has reappeared to excess.
6.12 p.m. - 6.38 p.m. Prânâyâma. Four minutes and 6 minutes 10. 20. 30.
Late. Dhâranâ. Become quite unconscious. Recovered saying: “and not take the first step on Virtue’s giddy road,” with the idea that this had some reference to the instruction to begin Suddhi with Ida[1]. Forgot that I had been doing Dhâranâ; but I felt quite pleased and a conviction that my thoughts had been very important.
1—[Crowley's nickname for his left nostril.]