Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 9 September 1901



Went to sleep in Dharana. Woke lying on left side. This unusual, so I supposed the open door to middle hall to be the outer door and deduced burglars. Writing above note, saw door at foot of bed and mistook that too (Writing this firm and clear: I was not dozing. Also time is given exact 1.23 A.M.) Mind blank: I did not know I had been asleep: the time surprised me. The one dominant thought was "That's it!" i.e. Dhyana.


[Note by Crowley in pencil:] This is A. Crowley, whose "sense of direction" is so wonderful. With an ordinary man this would not be a specially remarkable phenomenon.


Pranayama culminated in a wet dream. N.B. Sept. 8. The perspiration of Khumbhakam has the smell and taste of Semen—much intensified.





7.12 a.m. - 7.34 a.m. Prânâyâma. Seven minutes 5. 10. 20; and 10 minutes. 10. 20. 30. This was very good and regular.


11.50 a.m. - 12.5 p.m. Prânâyâma. Fourteen minutes 5. 10. 20. Ida[1] stopped up.


6.15 p.m. - 6.50 p.m. Dhâranâ on nose 22 minutes. Prânâyâma. 10. 20. 30.


9.15 p.m. - 9.34 p.m. Dhâranâ on nose. During this I heard a Siren-cooing Nâda; it sounded very audible and continuous; but loudest during Rechaka.


1.23 a.m. I awoke, lying on left side. This being unusual. . . . I did not know I had been asleep, and the time much surprised me. The one dominant thought in my brain was: “That is it,” i.e. Dhyâna. The characteristic perspiration which marks the first stage of success in Prânâyâma possesses the odour, taste, colour, and almost the consistency of semen.



1—[This is Crowley's nickname for his left nostril.]

