Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 22 September 1901
Repeated bell: from above head slightly to left of median line. Dharana on Ajna-effect of Light gradually glimmering forth and becoming v[ery] bright.
[Pencil note by Crowley:] "Bell conceivably physical. Possibly from gradually relaxing strain on eye muscles."
3.5 a.m. - 3.37 a.m. Prânâyâma. Sixteen minutes. 10. 20. 30.
Dhâranâ on nose. Seven minutes.
5.20 a.m. - 5.50 a.m. Dhâranâ on nose. Seventeen minutes.
Heard astral bell repeatedly, apparently from above my head, perhaps slightly to the left of median.
Two practices of Prânâyâma: 30. 15. 60.
Concentration on Ajna Chakkra. The effect was as of light gradually glimmering forth and becoming very bright.