Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 24 September 1901
I certainly do get Sukshma Kumbhakam not yet under control of will. Rigidity and loss of vision stigmatize it. Once this occurred (i.e. loss of v[ision]) when no Khumbhakam was possible; when reciting Mantra audibly.
6.0 a.m. - 6.42 a.m. Prânâyâma. Twenty-six minutes: 10. 20. 30.
Dhâranâ on nose. Five minutes.
Dhâranâ on nose. Six minutes.
8.30 a.m. - 9.0 a.m. Dhâranâ on nose. Twelve and a half minutes.
Grand Prânâyâma. 30. 15. 60. very difficult.
10.45 a.m. - 11.20 a.m. Dhâranâ on nose. Thirty-four minutes. Stopped by an alarum going off—rather a shock—did not know where I was for a bit.
4.36 p.m. - 5.8 p.m. Prânâyâma. Eight minutes: 10. 20. 30.
Prânâyâma. Eleven minutes: 10. 20. 30.
7.45 a.m. - 8.5 a.m. Prânâyâma. Eleven minutes: 10. 20. 30.
Mental Muttering “Aum Shivayvashi.”
8.40 a.m. - 9.23 a.m. Thirty-seven minutes concentrated on Pentacle, right globe of ear throbs; left ear cold current; left hand tingles. I do get a sort of Sukshma-Kumbhaka which I cannot reproduce at will.
Rigidity of body and the fading of all vision are its stigmata. Curiously this happened on coming out of Mental Muttering back to audible, or rather at one loud slow Mantra, i.e. when no Kumbhaka was possible.