Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 25 September 1901



In P.Y. [Pranayama] forgot what I was doing and breathed out—gently—after 10 seconds of K[humbhakam] on 7th cycle. Consciousness or concentration now frequently lost with mantra. At one particular rate the 3rd eye throbs violently in time with mantra (Aum Shivayavashi; also Aum Tat Sat Aum).





8.50 a.m. - 9.3 a.m. Mental Muttering for ten minutes “Aum Shivayavashi.” Results similar to last night’s, somewhat more easily obtained.


5.25 p.m. - 5.57 p.m. Mental Muttering of “Aum Shivayavashi.” Results better than usual.


Prânâyâma. Seven minutes after 10 seconds of Kumbhaka. This seventh time I forgot all about everything and breathed out of both nostrils. Quite quietly—pure mental abstraction.


8.10 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. Mental Muttering of “Aum Shivayavashi,” for seventy-five minutes. Several times lost concentration or consciousness or something, i.e. either vision or voice or both were interrupted.


(N.B. at one particular rate the third eye throbs violently in time with the mantra.)

