Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 1 October 1901
Blessed be Thou, O Bhavani, O
Isis my Sister, my Bride, my Mother!
Blessed be Thou, O Shiva, O Amoun,
Concealed of the Concealed.
By Thy most Secret and Holy Name of Apophis be
Thou Blessed, Lucifer, Star of the Dawn,
Satan-Jeheshua, Light of the World!
Blessed be Thou, Buddha, Osiris, by
Whatever Name I call Thee Thou art nameless to Eternity. . . .
Blessed be Thou, Thoth, Revealer of the Wisdom of the One.
Blessed be Thou, O Abhavananda, that Thou hast borne the weary body of flesh unto this day.
Blessed be Thou, O Day, that thou hast risen in the Night of Time, First Dawn in the Chaos of poor Aleister's poor mind!
Accursed be Thou, Jehovah, Brahma, unto the Aeons of Aeons; thou who didst create darkness and not Light! Mara, Vile Mask of Matter!
Arise, O Shiva, and destroy! That in destruction these at last be blest!
AUM TAT SAT AUM [In Sanskrit].
[Pencil note by Crowley: "This Oct 1 is the 2nd or 3rd Jhana of Buddhist phraseology-Samadhi of Hindu ditto).
Oct. 1. A Retirement. Mantra "Aum tat sat aum" [in Sanskrit]. Cakkra Ajna. Pranay Yama at intervals. After some 8 hours of this discipline arose.
While meditating, suddenly I became conscious of a shoreless space of darkness and a glow of crimson athwart. Deepening and brightening, scarred by dull bars of slate-blue cloud arose the Dawn of Dawns. In splendour not of earth and its mean sun, blood-red, rayless, adamant it rose, it rose! Carried out of myself, I asked not "Who is the Witness?" absorbed utterly in contemplation of so stupendous so marvellous a fact. For here was no doubt, no change, no wavering: infinitely more real that aught "physical" is the Golden Dawn of this Internal Sun! But ere the Orb of Glory rose clear of its banks of blackness—alas my soul! That Light Ineffable was withdrawn beneath the falling veil of darkness, and in purples and greys glorious beyond imagining, sad beyond conceiving, faded the superb Herald of the Day. But mine eyes have seen it! And this then, is Dhyana! With it, yet all but unremarked, came a memory at least shall never fade!
O Dawn of Rose and Gold, thy memory at least shall never fade!
5.30 p.m. Prânâyâma.
Mantra seventeen minutes. Noise of glass being rubbed persistent.
9.30 p.m. From now I decide to work more seriously, and follow out the following programme:
Mantra “Aum Tat Sat Aum.”
Dhâranâ on Ajna Chakkra.
Read Bhagavad-Gita.
Vegetarian diet.
Normal amount of sleep.
Speech only when necessary.
A’sana with eyes turned up.
Walking as exercise.