Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 31 January 1902
7.15 - 10.30 to Leh-Joung. Shot partridge, paddy-bird and two pigeons. Lunched like Gods.
12.30 - 4.30 to Yegyanzin.[1] Met Carr and Hopwood. Went with latter and shot nothing.
1—Yegyanzin is a village in Homalin Township, Hkamti District, in the Sagaing Region of northwestern Burma.
The next day we resumed our journey; I walked most of the way and shot some partridges and pigeons for lunch, which we took at Leh-Joung; this is not a bungalow, but a village. We went on in the afternoon to Yegyanzin, where we had the good fortune to meet Carr, the Forest Commissioner of the District, and his assistant Hopwood. Unfortunately he was unable to give me any elephants, as they were all in use; but told me I ought to have no difficulty in getting coolies and probably ponies if I required them. We combined forces and had quite a nice dinner together. One does not realize how nice Englishmen really are until one meets them in out-of-the-way places.