Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 8 February 1902





Wrote poem and rondel and did some Mitri Bhavana,[1] taking my refuge in the Triratna.[2]


Train 8.0.P.M. to Rangoon. Many strange dreams.



1—Maitri bhavana is the cultivation of a mind of unconditional love and benevolence for all sentient beings.

2—Triratna, or Three Jewels, are three things that Buddhists take refuge in: the Buddha, his teachings, and the community of realized practitioners, and in return look toward for guidance.





The next day we spent in visiting the Pagoda, Thornton [Edward Thornton] doing some sketching and I writing a couple of Buddhist poems. We went off in the evening for Rangoon.


[Vanity Fair - 17 February 1909]