Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 11 February 1902
Still fever. Emesis.
Allan and answer wires.
Doctor. Iced simpkin [champagne]. But first NaHCO [sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)], as alkali-emetic.
5.00.P.M. Feel quite fit. Eat eggs and toast.
8.P.M. Had quite a big dinner. Soup, lamb cutlets, sweet-bread, eggs, ice cream.
That evening [10 February 1902] I was again down with fever, and found myself unable to take any food whatever. I called in the local medico, who fed me on iced champagne, and the next day, I was pretty well again. Thornton in the meanwhile had gone off to Mandalay. I was very sorry not to be able to go there with him, but my time was very short: as I did not know when I might be summoned to join Eckenstein [Oscar Eckenstein] to go off to Kashmir.