Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 19 March 1902



With Major Graham, a prize fool from S. Africa and a boy. I went and saw Fort.


Some tendency to Diarrhoea.


Did practically nothing.


Dreams many and vivid. One of an explosion. This one fact alone I recall.





On the 19th I gave myself a little holiday and went to see the fort. With me was "Major Graham, D.S.O." who had just conducted a convoy of Boer prisoners to Ambala. I put him down as a prize fool; but I was wrong, as I heard afterwards that he had managed to let in the Hotel and the Bank for quite a lot of money. However, his manner was very fine and noble.


The Audience Hall in the fort is a very delightful and restful place. Unfortunately two or three of the rooms have been whitewashed by the prudish stupidity of the inevitable Briton, it being considered that some of the pictures were calculated to make the young person blush. I pass over the appalling depth of immorality which such prudery invariably implies; but what are we to say when we hear that a perfectly innocent room was also whitewashed "in order to secure artistic uniformity"? Surely stupidity could not go any further.


[Vanity Fair - 3 March 1909]