Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 23 May 1902



On the 23rd we went on to Ghomboro. I had been getting a little tired of the fact that Pfannl [Heinrich Pfannl] was always ready to greet me on my arrival and to inform me with a superior smile how many hours he had been at the stage, so this morning I stuck to his heels, and found that he made his records by going top speed all the way. This was a pretty long march, and there was a long pari about 1,500 feet high cutting off the corner which overhangs the Bralduh. This village is on the Hoh Lumba, and not as marked on the map. Eckenstein [Oscar Eckenstein] turned up rather late with a strained knee, which made him somewhat doubtful about being able to march on the next day. However, he was all right the next morning, the 24th, at least so far recovered that the Doctor [Jules Jacot Guillarmod] gave him permission to march, provided he went slowly and took care of himself. I will here re-copy the account of the day's events as I wrote it at the time.



[Vanity Fair - 5 August 1908]