Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 20 June 1902
Knowles [Guy Knowles] arrived with the Doctor [Jules Jacot Guillarmod]. It was snowing hard all day and Knowles and I crouched together in my tent and discussed the events of the last ten days.
[Vanity Fair - 19 August 1908]
To-day, I woke a six o'clock, intending to go reconnoitring with P. [Heinrich Pfannl] and W. [Victor Wessely], but it was snowing, misted over, and cold enough to freeze the ears off a cast-iron dog. So I drifted off into a dream again, until I was pursued by a giant through the abysses of space—aeons on aeons—and I just managed to escape him, when—from behind me—horror! a vast hand reaching out towards me and I woke. That hand was Knowles [Guy Knowles] and I was on K2 (much better fun being chased by a giant any day), and Knowles came in and we squared everything up—and that's the end of the tale of my Hi-tra-la-la-a-lai-la-laity—O!