Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 4 September 1902



On September 4th we proceeded on our way to Baramulla. In the morning three of us walked down to Bandipur. Radcliffe had also arrived the previous evening with the postmaster in charge of the Gilgit mail, and I. The Doctor [Jules Jacot Guillarmod] had gone on, as he wanted to jodel; while Knowles [Guy Knowles] and Eckenstein [Oscar Eckenstein] were in a state of great alarm as to mosquitoes, which they could hardly avoid if they went off to Srinagar that day, so they camped at a little village on the Tragobal. My donga was waiting for me at Bandipur. I had ordered it from Srinagar by telegraph, and I lent this to Carlyon, who was pressed for time, while Ratcliffe brought the Doctor and myself in his own donga to Baramulla, as there was no better way of avoiding the mosquitoes.



[Vanity Fair - 16 September 1908]