Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 4 July 1903



Short PY [Prana Yama] to begin.


9.45. A.M. Triangle., 13 1/2 m[inutes] 20 br[eaks].


11.34. White Triangle. Called away.


10.25. P.M. Ajna. 38 1/2 m[inutes] 20 br[eaks]. With Mantra. Throbbing at once. Invades mostly irrational. Strong sub-current of swift thought noted. Quite like old times. Near neighbourhood concentration. Excellent: require less food and less literary work.



to eat less, and litter less.

to do triangle with short hand writer with watch to note times and nature of break

to irritate skin over Ajna with Tincture of Iodine!


Observation: that ideas for doing it better, pictures of C's body doing it here, there, and everywhere, are extremely common breaks.


