Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 12 July 1903



12.8 to 12.19. Best so far. Incense going troubled somewhat.


12.27. 31 m[inutes] 20 br[eaks]. Mantra got to "tartsano". Not in good form—suspect many breaks of long duration. Kept Mantra going all day.


Slept 2.30 - 4 about.


4.58. Prana Yama 11 minutes. Perspiration.


5.14. PY [Prana Yama]. 5.10.15 to try.


5.25. Quite a little holiday. Wound up with a G[rand] PY.


5.28. 38 m[inutes] 30 br[eaks]. V[ery] tired towards end and difficult to get settled. To me is seems evident that the first 10 breaks or so are rapid.


6.10. PY. 16 m[inutes].


8.15. Having continued Mantra, Ajna with M[antra]—


8.47. 32 m 22 br. Light coming a little—one very long without break. Some sound.


10.5. Aj[na] 12 1/2 m 11 br. Continuing Mantra, save for short chat with Aunt [Aunt Annie].


[On opposite page is a drawing headed:] "Devil seen behind Aunt's shoulder—her habitual companion."


Confused dreams—a bad night on the whole.


