Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 29 March 1905



11.0 A.M. Entered Temple.


11.4 - 11.22 Aum Tat Sat Aum and Ajna. 30 breaks. Whole direction of thought very weak. It is of course nearly 2 years since I did a serious test. Walk with Mahasatipatthana on breath.


12.6 - 12.13. Aum Tat Sat Aum and Ajna. 10 br[eaks]. The anaesthesia of Ajna is so marked that I am going to try some other chakra. It is rather curious that the strange dullness of brain that I have been suffering from of late should be accompanied by this lack of feeling in Ajna.


12.22 - 12.42. Anahata and Om Mani Padme Hum. 30 br. Slight subjective disturbance on right jaw—opposite the exostosis on my left jaw—made me think of the Plattner story. This I thought kept on and on—probably 12 or more breaks to its own check. Some 4 or 5 breaks were due to attendant tramping about. Got headache.


4.14. A[um] M[ani] P[adme] H[um] Anahata. Got the sleep effect.


4.57. 16 m[inutes]. Not quite 30 br. Sleep again.


6.34. Svadistthana. Aum. 15 m. 22 br[eaks].


9.19. Namo Shivaya Namaha Aum. Lingam. 10 m 12 br. (Eyes open).


Will experiment twirling a vibration on desired chakra with OMPH. This latter seems a good mantra for me just now. Of the various things I have tried it with Anahata seemed best—most effective, apart from break-considerations.


Made this experiment—worth repeating.


Am very thirsty for water all day—why? Change of diet?


