Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 30 March 1905
A slack A.M. A little OMPH [Om Mani Padme Hum] on Anahata in P.M.
3.31. Pranayama 10.20.30 4 times only. 5.10.15.
3.37 - 3.45, after 4 minutes back to 10.20.30.
3.47 - 3.57. O.M.P.H. and Anahata. 16 breaks—but I don't believe it. I got so deeply into mantra—a wave washing round lotus in heart—that I quite possibly went on counting beads without a break automatically.
4.0 - 4.5. PY [Prana Yama]. 5 appears all I can do ? is air foul? (Yes, it was).
6.21. PY without K[umbhakam] to practice, 10 and 20—with 20 sec[ond] K—all right. External Kumbhakam seems much harder than internal—I had always supposed it easier. (Do some Med[itation] daily without counting breaks).
8.28. ATSA [Aum Tat Sat Aum] and Ajna—8.46 in Saddhasana. Not bad—note that counting breaks is really a meditation in itself and therefore quite inimical to doing a true meditation.
10.58 - 11.9. PY. Shall be all right in two or three days now, I hope.
(Continuing A.T.S.A. and Ajna in season and out of season during day and night).