Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 1 April 1905



The usual difficulty about beginning. Wrote up analysis of Sabhapaty Swami—call him S.S.S.—as above.


11.55 - 2.5. PY [Prana Yama]. Again, the limit. The surprising regularity suggests that each cycle lose one a definite proportion of something, till the accumulation becomes intolerable.


12.14 - 12.26. P.Y. Alternate (or nearly) 10.20.20 and 10.20.20.


2.27 - 3.5. P.Y. with K[humbakam] abbreviated or omitted when very distressed.


6.0 - 6.55. SSS II [Sabhapaty Swami 2nd method—see 31 March for details]. Result not quite so good as before, though similar. Forgot mantra though, at times used N.S.N.A. Much physical worry—birds going to bed and wife messing about.


9.35 - 9.55. P.Y. without dilution. Could now go on for an hour with a little effort, I should think. Had eaten nothing since about 3.0 P.M.


