Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 2 April 1905
11.50 A.M. - 12.5 P.M. PY [Prana Yama] (Long wandering and billiards with mantra)
2.33 P.M. Can't get comfortable.
2.40 - 2.50. Getting all right. Muladhara or Bhuta and Aum N.S.N.
2.50 - 3.10. Aum. Sleepy. Continued mantra outside till 4.10.
0.10 - 0.30. ditto. Much disturbed by foolish thoughts, (Letters must absolutely cease.), and Asana—Curious thing—left leg went completely anaesthetic, no pain then or awakening again. (Probable effect of mantra on muladhara?).
5.54 - 6.34. Same again. Same physical Asana result. (Probably toleration and low feeding). Continued mantra hard till 9.20 when I combine it with P.Y.
9.21 - 9.48. Just the limit. Sweating like a pig. No food bar a small cake since 10 A.M. Mantra dropped from sheer necessity of concentration on watch and breath.
Continue mantra (and Bhuta) as much as possible) from 10.40 till sleep, perhaps 12.30 or 1 o'clock. Began again 8.30 this Monday A.M.