Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 29 August 1905



On the 29th the Doctor [Jules Jacot Guillarmod] recovered, went down to find the body, and sent up Pache’s [Alexis Pache] valise and some food. Pache had left his coolies half an hour from the camp, and they had, of course, run away. Nobody here will agree with me that strong measures should be taken to prevent the dastardly crime of desertion, nor back me up in any way.


With Pache and Reymond [Charles-Adolphe Reymond] I went up the slopes to Camp V, on the next edge of the little ridge. Reymond works well, but is always annoyed that I will not go first. It is not laziness on my part, though I am as lazy as any man ever was, but the necessity of getting the coolies to go, which they will never do unless authority is behind.



[Vanity Fair - 20 October 1909]