Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 11 February 1906
Made many resolutions of a G[reat] R[etirement].
In dream flew to me an Angel, bearing an Ankh, to encourage me.
P'u P'eng to Ying Wa Kuan. I 'shoot the Reason' by going back, though on a higher plane to Augoeides. Resolve to accomplish a GR on lines closely resembling Abramelin. The 'notebook and stopwatch' method is too much like criticism. Doubt whether I should actually do Op[eration] or confine myself to Augoeides. Latter easy to prepare, of course. Dead men being undisturbed. I must spread a report of my death; only Jones [George Cecil Jones] may know. Esp[ecially] ware Rose [Rose Kelly], constant opponent of all my spiritual work. E.g. as soon as I turn my thoughts that way, she makes a row.
Concerning the place. A rainless climate, a sea-shore, or river side, a desolate place. A house for secrecy and commodity.
Concerning the time. At once, or after Kanchengunga, if O.E. [Oscar Eckenstein] holds me to my promise.
O.E. does not, therefore go at once. If I arrive England June 7, I can finish business by July 31, arr[ive] Egypt Aug 12, pick up stores previously despatched, go to house previously taken by Corydon [Congdon ?] to whom I should write at once.
The Operation itself. As preparation let a daily invocation of the A[ugoeides] be performed, say for an hour; and only severe illness to interfere therewith. Stick to the old Egyptian formulae. Do it by sheer doing. Without formulae. [Note. The last sentence appears to have been added later.]
Preparations. Go to Europe and settle up things; get necessary books etc from Boleskine, and provisions for 63 days.
To be got from Boleskine. Square silver plate. Crown. Altar. Lamp. Censer. Red and gold aybbai. Talismans. Fairy Lamps. Abramelin Book. Abramelin M.S. Book. Writing materials.
To be made or bought. Tiffin basket. Two Tau robes black serge. Two ditto ditto lawn (Nathan). Album for talismans (Zaehnsdorf [book binder]) Chairs—table. If seaside, big still. Primus lamps and spare parts. Petrol.
Provisions. Dalidet Bottled fruits various 200. Dalidet Bottled Vegs various 100. Golden Vale milk tins 90. Macaroni 1 lb tins 30. Parmesan Cheese. Butter (Bombay) 1/2 lb 45 tins. Biscuits Fruit 2 lb 45 tins. Petit Beurre 8, Osborne 5, Various 12 (Boston Cream. Ice Cream. Supr. Pernod.) Brands products varied 90 tins. Tea 5 lb. Coffee and milk 12 tins. Sugar cryst 45 lbs. Meats—cookable and eatable 130 tins. Fish, small tins, 40. Nuts varied 20 lbs. Sweets varied 15 lbs.
Wine. Port 1860 18. Ch[ateau] Yquem 1868 18.
In case of my death, George Cecil Jones will carry out these instructions. Embalm the body. Dress it in a white Tau robe with Abramelin red and gold tunic and girdle, and the Crown and Wand. Also the big red Sword. Bury all magical jewels with me. A pastos and vault to be prepared for coffin and tomb; in shape as taught, but without any figuring. Use white stone. On the pastos write only Perdurabo. Let the vault be bricked up and concealed utterly from human sight nor let any memorial of its place be kept. In the vault place vellum editions of all my works, hermetically sealed up. The place shall be chosen by and known to G.C.J. [George Cecil Jones] alone. It shall be in ground consecrated by him.
This pencil note shall be sufficient authority for whomsoever it may concern. The expenses shall be paid out of my estate.
Aleister Crowley