Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 30 April 1906



A[1] exactly the same as yesterday. Will repeat.


It has struck me—in connection with reading Blake, that Aiwass etc. = Force and Fire; the very thing I do lack and that my "conscience" is really an obstacle and a delusion, being a survival of heredity or education. Certainly to rely on it as on an abiding principle in oneself is wrong.


Further considerations in favour of Aiwass: ΑΡΩ seemed to indicate him.


Any suspicious remarks of his perhaps due to A. [Elaine Simpson] connecting him with S[carlet] W[oman] [Rose Kelly].


I think his repeated "Go to Egypt!" The one really important thing is the fundamental hypothesis—I am the Chosen One. All methods will do, if I only "invoke often," i.e. stick to it.


Ritual given by Aiwass—see "Work" book; also determined—house in Egypt, dates, etc.


AI [Augoeides Invocation] repeated. Very good and lucid. A\ approved of house in Egypt, ritual, etc. etc. No tendency to sleep or reverie; or hardly any, not more than a momentary wandering of thought.



1—This indicates the Invocation of Augoeides.



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