Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 21 September 1906



End of 32 weeks—8 months—224 days of A[1] thought. Did a little I[nvocation]. Enquiring how to I[nvoke] the A\ got the instant reply OFTEN—and only saw later that this was the same old order as before. Which confirms it; discard methods rituals etc. (and their contradictories) but do it Often.


Hashish vision.[2] Wonderful but very unstable landscapes, soft green, purple and blue. Blaze effects of all sorts and a frequently coming—and—going—altered figure of A. One seems however detached, e.g. the chameleon—jewelled motor-cars which kept on running through me didn't hurt. Further, the proportions of space and time were not disturbed. Though the visions were thus varied and pleasant they were not at all exciting. I chose to consider them as terrestrial landscape-faced demons etc. for the A\ seemed to alternate.



1—This indicates the Invocation of Augoeides.

2—Preceded by a deleted paragraph "([...] represents Hashish, I suppose.) Hence great poetical idea (first for years). A son commits suicide in his mother's presence as the most cruel punishment he can devise. To avoid [...] he must be wicked; but no wicked man ever killed himself yet.—?"



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