Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 11 March 1907



Took at 10.24 P.M. a minute quantity of Hashish—too small to have any possible effect, one would say, judging by previous experience.


11.30 A[ugoeides] I[nvocation] ended if D[og]-F[aced] D[emon]s luring me away also I slept. Rose [Rose Kelly] & had tea and now write this. I think the hashish has had little or no effect$FS$MD perhaps just less than the desired waking of pratyahara. But no hallucinations; no loss of time-sense. Possibly slight self-consciousness; but one wouldn't like to assert it.


12 Slips during Monday.


[Entry on page opposite Monday:]

It has struck me that "the Black Magician abstains from salt" is Tohu-Bohu. The abstainer from salt did so to work evil without becoming nimak-kharam. Hence he was suspected of sorcery.


