Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 15 March 1907



7 slips in the Practice.


תפארת Theory perfect. Practice י with י to י sanctum. י With י and פ to the Blessed Fount of the Supernal Via Lactea, so that at 9.15 P.M. I took 4 drops F.E. Anhalonium Lewinii in cold water.


Am rather tired with my day's shopping, but peaceful & well.


9.40 Took 5 drops.


10.0 Took 5 drops.


10.27 Took 5 drops.


11.3 Accommodation of age still perfect. Took 7 drops.


No result; but felt as if near something. Also slight stomachic discomfort.


[Notice on page opposite Friday entries:]

I [fucked]d  Rose [Rose Kelly] and slept like a dog —————


