Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 17 March 1907



Hasleim and Reid to lunch.


Hanko ma'alam bota hai ki Bibi sharab pibi hai, issabab, ki beraudi sherab kala-botal meri kakhi nai chanday arse sakh-gaya bai.


Shahed; dekhenje.


Received from V.V.V.V.V. the Word of in : Catena. This is alike the Chain of Penance and that of Power. It shall therefore be my task to form a chain of brethren by tapas.


To this end will I subdue this my body by fasts and by scourging, by vigils and meditations, by yama and niyama, asana and pranayama. In short, I will confirm unto myself the true grade of 6º = 5o. (which before I held but nominally) and thus fit myself wholly for the Sorrow of Binah, the drinking of the Cup of Tribulations, which is the Cup of Iacchus.


He should sleep upon a plank bed wrapt in his rough poncho. His weight should be one hundred and forty-four pounds. He shall urgently acquire money.


It shall no longer be lawful to will Initiation, but only to do the appointed Work.


He should not buy things.


