Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 26 April 1907



Tankerville [Lord Tankerville] writes of various things, will drive me Saturday night. Cards for this 6 of Cups between 8 of Cups and = Beginning of success in my chain. Watch and work!


Tankerville's card for tonight—


  ח ,נ, 4P;


Victory in an unexpected manner, perhaps by a Prince of Swords and a Queen of Coins.

Insisted on the R.K. arm of the .



[Facing the entries for Saturday and Sunday:]


The Tube Puzzle




Map of tubes & distinctly [?]. A glass or talc pierced for stations.


By inverting the puzzle the ball can be put in at any terminus. The ball must be jerked up at the "change." Failing to change, the ball runs through valve doors & can only be recovered by inverting. By changing it goes on to its destination. The holes at other stations have a rim to prevent the ball running in.


Or better, let the tubes be 1/2 tubes the ball is jerked up on to a platform at the change over which if it falls it is lost.




[Captions:] Dover St., Picadilly Circus, L[eicester] Sq[uare].


Also the tube stations have exits for the ball to fall from.


[Continued on another page with diagram of London Underground.]


