Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 27 April 1907



12.45 A.M. Angel of A[ce of] S[words]. "They are going to travel by water



Rose [Rose Kelly] sees this.


She describes Biarritz perfectly. There has been great trouble there. Perhaps a death of one of them. (She sees 4 or 5 of them. 2 children.) She thinks I may meet them in London.


It would have been interesting to have ascertained whether any of Tankerville's [Lord Tankerville] ancestors, either on his father or his mother's side, had ever had an accident or trouble in that city.


[Entry without time but a regular daytime entry:]


Explaining to Tankerville the Rota, the Pentagram, the Astral Journey, etc. He is a good Spirit-Clairvoyant, a bad Air and Earth one.


Pretty bloody tired.


His card 6 S all right. Lady Tankerville's 7 W. She possibly was attacked, but conquered easily.


