Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 29 April 1907
Blow approves Awkward Squad and Boat Race.
Tell-tale heart workmanship hits good.
Subject too horrid.
At Chislehurst. Rose [Rose Kelly] clairvoyant for Tankerville [Lord Tankerville].
(In the morning, before I arrived.)
Rose says Tankerville is attacked by two women; old, one (B.) the servant or companion of (A.). They are in Southern Europe.√ She knows Lady O. was taken into the Circle.√ In the afternoon (with me): B. dominates A.√ A. has stolen money.√ Sunday night attack—facts all correct.√ Saturday night—no attack; we were too strong.√ P's astral messages reached A. and made her ill. She is certain they are on the water going from Biarritz to Hong Kong. (A.'s thoughts?)
There was one bad mistake in Tankerville's invocation.√ B.'s hair is straight, flaxen-ashen.√ She is 45 to 50 years old (more), wears spectacles (?), is short and stout.√ German type of face.√ Forehead high.√ Eyes normal and close together, grey with small pupils. Cheekbones high.√ Nose very straight, lumpy with open nostrils (no, this is A.) Mouth a thin slit (very large). (This is A.'s) Chin receding (this is A.). She bites her nails (?). Intellect acute and selfish.√
Religion (long uncertainty): A. is Roman Catholic (Protestant Evangelical) but she is a mere humbug.√ Marriage—none; but she is unchaste.√ B. is doing all the mischief:√ she is jealous of Lady Tankerville. Yesterday (Sunday) no disturbance at all.√ A.'s illness put B. on her guard. She is now on her defense. She will attack again and do a lot of damage. Her part is up in (say) a year. They may be drowned. She will no ultimate or irreparable harm. A great change will occur in less than a year from now. P.[erdurabo] will pull the Tankervilles through. Rose will be useful to see things. Tankerville and P. closely associated.
B. rules A. even to her petty cash.√ B. is trying (Perhaps has succeeded to get A. to alter her will.√ The "place with a z in it" has also a A-B-R-T-no E-an I-quite sure no letter is repeated. It faces West.√ They are coming to England√)—London. No! Paris—on their way back.√ After London, they go North (?). B. will bring something filthy into Rose's life.