Aleister Crowley Rose [Kelly]

Monday, 6 May 1907



Tankerville [Lord Tankerville] wires (10.30 A.M.) "Pretty considerable disturbance." What happened last night (Sunday to Monday)?


P. W. between and P. C. aspected by and . Means my victory.


I too woke up about 4 A.M. feeling that the battle was raging, and that my forces were easily triumphant. Secure, I went to sleep again.


D.D.S. [George Cecil Jones] says, 1. Get to know Sherrard & Co.; 2. Get some ostensible position with Tankerville, to cover the magical alliance. 3. To obligate T[ankerville].


T[ankerville]'s card 7 W. dignified A. P. and P. W.


