Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 8 May 1907



Beat S. J. [Sunny Jim] at Home Park [Golf Club] by 3 and 2. Round in 92. Dined with Janson, and at 60 afterwards.


T's [Lord Tankerville] card פ between Kt. S. and Kt. C., both looking away. Interpret by A. P., i.e. in material manner. Perhaps than an attack and A. P. Kether means the attack is to prevent him being obligated to the Order. I must withdraw my aid and let him fight it out alone. My card re his obligation . I.e., I have nothing to fear.


T[ankerville] (as I thought) very strongly attacked all 8th.


8th: T.'s servants violently sick; so is Rose's [Rose Kelly] nurse.


