Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 10 May 1907
Not–Golf at Cla'hurst. Round in 242 [?] and later in 98 medal play.
Rose [Rose Kelly] hears my chain rattling at 60![1]
T's [Lord Tankerville] card 4 W. between 7 and 9 P. aspecting ש and מ.
10.05. Tall√ dark clever√ horrible eyes (dark) sly looking.√ Dark hair, age 38 to 40 (more). Probably a barrister (no). Forehead rather high.√ Intellectual, yet brutal (no) or cunning√ look. Hook nose. Moustache.√ Mouth hidden,ü but is very straight, cynical, merciless, sneering look. Thin figure.√ Ears—. Mole on left side of chin (?). Chin ordinary.
He is on the water.
1—The flat at 60 Chancery Lane, London.