Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 10 May 1907



Not–Golf at Cla'hurst. Round in 242 [?] and later in 98 medal play.


Rose [Rose Kelly] hears my chain rattling at 60![1]


T's [Lord Tankerville] card 4 W. between 7 and 9 P. aspecting ש and מ.


10.05. Tall dark clever horrible eyes (dark) sly looking. Dark hair, age 38 to 40 (more). Probably a barrister (no). Forehead rather high. Intellectual, yet brutal (no) or cunning look. Hook nose. Moustache. Mouth hidden,ü but is very straight, cynical, merciless, sneering look. Thin figure. Ears—. Mole on left side of chin (?). Chin ordinary.


He is on the water.



1—The flat at 60 Chancery Lane, London.


