Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 3 July 1907



Arrived at Gibraltar—a 46 hour journey from Marseille. Put up at Hotel Bristol—a coldish wind blowing.


Tankerville [Lord Tankerville] again (and again—night) accuses me of disrespect for women. He has twice so injured his wife as to cause her to miscarry, and she is still ill. He states that his own mother is guilty of:

(1) Incest, with her father.

(2) Adultery.

(3) Lesbian vice.

(4) Witchcraft, "mental murder," et hoc genus omne.


He believes in a great conspiracy to ruin him.


Feels pressure on his brain, and his nerves are "on the outside of his body."


Regards everyone with suspicion.


Has a sister in an asylum.


Has attempted suicide.


Has often murderously attacked his wife.


Is always threatening to shoot his mother and her companions.


Has delusions about his mother and others.


Is sexually deranged, having an irrational horror of "animalities."


Is always getting "suggestions" and believes himself to be permanently hypnotized.


Thinks doctors all in a conspiracy against the human race.


Takes cocaine.


I have bestowed a king's ransom and more of pearls on Tankerville. Look for them, you! in the mire of his mind, trampled by the hoggish hoofs of his egotism.


Talking to T[ankerville] is like being in a cage with a wild beast. One doesn't take one's eye off him, as it were. A single unguarded word, the result of irritation or indigestion, and he would, I verily believe, go raving mad.


