Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 7 July 1907
A sea battle. Wrote "The boy lies prone . . ."
[Facing the entry for Sunday:] "I'm sick of your teaching-teaching-teaching, as if you were God omnipotent and I were a bloody shit in the street."
[Overleaf:] A Notable Fancy I saw a golden throne in heaven reserved for James, whom Herod slew; And Peter whom they crucified had got a ripping palace too. The Order of the Bath was worn by poor old roasted Polycarp. And Andrew had a beautiful inlaid and gilded rosewood harp. Sebastian had a golden crown and strong Stephen one of platinum. While starved St. mungo ate and ate West India turtles with green fat in 'im. St. Lawrence sported an appropriate and dainty silver grill; But I had spent my holiday with George the Earl of Tankerville. The Lord apologized to me: "It really wasn't in My plan; "Come off it, Jesus Christ," he said, "your seat will suit this gentleman!"
When Moses prayed, the Lore replied, the process never seemed to fail him. I aimed at being Moses, too, I've missed the beggar and hit Balaam.