Aleister Crowley
Diary Entry
5 October 1908
The Fifth Day.
12.26 |
So beginneth the Fifth Day
of this great Magical Retirement. With two and
twenty breath- cycles did I begin. This practice was
a little easier; but not much better. It ought to
become quite simple and natural before one devotes
the half-minute of Kambhakam (breath held-in), when
one is rigid to a strong projection of Will toward
Adonai, as has been my custom.
I hope to-day will be more
hard definite magical Work, less discourse, less
beatific state of mind—which is the very devil! the
real Calypso, none the less temptress because her
name happens to be Penelope. Ah Lord Adonai, my
Lord! Grant unto me the Perfume and the Vision; let
me attain the desirable harbour; for my little ship
is tossed by divers tempests, even by Euroclydon, in
the Place where Four Winds meet. |
12.35 |
Therefore I shall go to
rest, letting my mind rest ever in the Will toward Adonai. Let my sleep be toward Him, or annihilation;
let my waking be to the music of His name; let the
day be full to the uttermost of Him only. |
2.18 |
My good friend the body
woke me at this hour by means of disturbed dreams
about a quite imaginary relative of whom nobody for
years had ever seen anything but his head, which he
would poke out of a waterproof sheet. He was
supposed to be an invalid.
I am glad to say that I
woke properly and got quite automatically on to the
My Prana, however, seems
feverish and unbalanced. So I eat a biscuit or two
and drink some water and will put it right with the
Pentagram Ritual.
Done, but oh! how hard.
Sleep fights me as Apollyon fought Christian! but I
will up and take him by the throat.
(See; ‘tis 2.30. Twelve
minutes to do that little in!) And look at the
handwriting! |
3.6 |
How excellent is Prana
Yama, a comfort to the soul! I did thirty-two
cycles, easy and pleasant; could have gone on
indefinitely. The muscles went rigid, practically of
their own accord; so light did I feel that I almost
thought myself to be “that wise one” who “can
balance himself on his thumb.” Sleep is conquered
right away from the word “jump.” Indeed, if
Satan trembles when
he sees
The weakest saint
upon his knees;
then surely:
Satan flees,
exclaiming 'Damn!'
When any saint starts Pranayam!”
So happy, indeed, was I in
the practice that I devoted myself by the Waiting
formula to Adonai; and that I got to
“neighbourhood-concentration” is shewn by the fact
that I several times forgot altogether about Adonai,
and found myself saying the silly old Mantram.
I despair of asking my
readers to distinguish between the common phenomenon
of wandering thought and this phenomenon which is at
the very portal of true and perfect concentration;
yet it is most important that the distinction should
be seized. The further difficulty will occur—I
hope!—of distinguishing between the vacancy of the
idiot, and that destruction of thought which we call Shivadarshana, or Nirvikalpa-samadhi.
The only diagnostic I can
think of is this; that there is (I can’t be sure
about it) no rational connection between the thought
one left behind one and the new thought. In a simple
wandering during the practice of concentration one
can very nearly always (especially with a little
experience) trace the chain. With neighbourhood-concentration
this is not so. Perhaps there is a chain, but so
great already is the power of preventing the
impressions from rising into consciousness that one
has no knowledge of the links, each one having been
automatically slaughtered on the threshold of the
Of course, the honest and
wary practitioner will have no difficulty in
recognizing the right kind of wandering; with this
explanation there is no excuse for him if he does.
I have another theory,
though. Perhaps this is not a wandering at all, but
a complete annihilation of all thought. Affirming Adonai, I lop off the heads of all others; and
Adonai’s own head falls. But in the momentary pause
which this causes, some old habitual thought
(tonight my mantra) rises up. A case of the Closure
followed by the Moving of the Previous Question.
Oh Lord! when wilt Thou
carry a Motion to Adjourn, nay, to Prorogue, nay! to
Dissolve this Parliament? |
3.32 |
I am not sleepy; yet will
I again compose myself, devoting myself to Adonai. |
7.7 |
Again woke and continued
mantra. |
8.10 |
I ought to have made more
of it at 7.7; I went off again to sleep; the result
is that I am rather difficult to wake again.
However, let me be
vigilant now. |
8.45 |
I have dressed and from
8.35-8.45 performed the
Ritual of the Bornless One.
Though I performed it none
too well (failing, e.g., to make use of the
Geometric Progression on the Mahalingam formula in
the Ieou section, and not troubling even to
formulate carefully the Elemental Hosts, or to
marshal them about the circle) I yet, by the favour
of IAO, obtained a really good effect, losing all
sense of personality and being exalted in the
Pillar. Peace and ecstasy enfolded me. It is well. |
8.50 |
But as I was ill last
night, and as the morning has broken chill and damp,
I will go to the Café du Dôme and break my fast
humbly with Coffee and Sandwich. May it strengthen
me in my search for the Quintessece, the Stone of
the Wise, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect
Happiness! |
9.0 |
I hope by the way that I
have made it quite clear that all this time even a
momentary cessation of active thought has been
accompanied by the rising-up of the mantra. The
rhythm, in short, perpetually dominates the brain;
and becomes active on every opportunity.
The liquid Moslem mantra
is much easier to get on to than is the usual Hindu
type with its m and n sounds
predominating: but it does not shake the brain up so
forcibly. Perhaps ‘tis none the worse for that. I
think the unconscious training of the brain to an
even rhythm better than startling it into the same
by a series of shocks.
I should like, to remark
that the suggestions in the “Herb
Dangerous” for a ritual seem the wrong way
round. It now seems to me that the Eastern methods
are very arid, and chiefly valuable as a training of
the Will, while the Ceremonies of the Magic of Light
tune up the soul to that harmony when it is but one
step to the Crown.
The real plan is, then, to
train the Will into as formidable an engine as
possible, and then, at the moment in the Ritual when
the real work should be done, to fling forth flying
that concentrated Will “whirling forth with
re-echoing Roar, so that it may comprehend with
invincible Will ideas omniform, which flying forth
from that one Fountain issued: whose Foundation is
One, One and Alone.”
As therefore Discipline of
whatever kind is only one way of going into a wood
at midnight on Easter Eve and cutting the magic wand
with a single blow of the magic knife, etc. etc.
etc., we can regard the Western system as the
essential one. Yet of course Pranayama, for one
thing, has its own definite magical effect, apart
from teaching the practitioner that he must last out
those three seconds—those deadly long last three
seconds—even if he burst in the process. All this I
am writing during breakfast.
My devotees may note, by
the way, how the desire to sleep is breaking up. |
[P.S.] |
Night |
I. |
7 1/2 hours, unbroken
from 12.30. |
" |
II. |
7 hours nearly, with
dreams. |
" |
III. |
8 hours nearly; but
woke three of four times, and if I had not
been a worm would have scattered it like
chaff! |
" |
IV. |
6 1/2 hours; and I wake
fresh. |
" |
V. |
1 3/4 + 4 1/2 + 1 hour;
and real good work done in the intervals. |
" |
VI. |
Probably 4 hours. |
" |
VII. |
2 + 2 + 1/2 hours. |
" |
6 hours much broken. |
" |
IX. |
1 1/2 + 2 + 2 hours. |
" |
X. |
4 + 1 1/4 hours. |
" |
XI. |
1 3/4 + 4 1/2 hours. |
" |
XII. |
Back to the normal—7
hours perfect sleep. |
I leave blank this space
from Night V to be filled in at the End of the
Diary. |
11.30 |
Have been on walks with
the mantra arranging for and modelling a “saddle”
whereby to get Asana really steady and easy; also
for some photographs illustrating some of the more
absurd positions, for the instruction of my
Must now copy out the new
This, you will readily
perceive, is all wrong. Theoretically, everything
should be ready by the beginning of the Operation;
and one should simply do it and be done with it.
But this is a very shallow
view. One never knows what may be required; i.e., a
beginner like myself doesn’t. Further, one cannot
write an effective Ritual till one is already in a
fairly exalted state . . . and so on.
We must just do the best
we can, now as always. |
2.0 |
I have been concentrating
solely on the Revision and copying of the Ritual.
Therefore I now live just as I always live in order
to get a definite piece of work done: concentrating
as it were off the Work. As Levi also adjures us by
the Holy Names.
Coming back from lunch (a
dozen Marennes Vertes and an Andouillette aux Pommes)
I met Zelina Visconti, more lovely than ever in her
wild way. She says that she is favourably disposed
towards me, on the recommendation of her concierge !
! ! “The tongue of good report hath already been
heard in his favour. Advance, free and of good
report!” |
4.45 |
And only two pages done!
but the decorations “marvelous” . . . [Liber
5.15 |
Another half-hour gone! in
mere titivating the Opus! and now I’m too tired to
as much as start Prana Yama. I will go to the Dôme
and see what a citron pressé and a sandwich does for
me, at the same time taking over the MS. of Liber
has been given me to correct, and doing it.
Please the pigs, the Visconti will cheer me up in the evening; and I
shall get a good day in to-morrow. |
6.25 |
Still at Liber DCCCCLXIII.
I should like to write mantrams for each chapter. |
7.20 |
Still at Liber DCCCCLXIII.
I need hardly say that I am perfectly aware that in
one sense all this working and ritual making and
copying and illuminating is but a crowd of dog-faced
demons, since the One Thought of Unity with Adonai
is absent.
But I do it on purpose,
making each thing I do into that Magic Will.
So if you ask me “Are you
correcting Liber DCCCCLXIII?” I reply, “No! I am
Adonai!” |
7.50 |
Arrival of the Visconti. |
8.50 |
Departure of the Visconti.
Really a necessary rest: for my head had begun to
ache, and her kiss, half given and half taken, much
refreshed me. |
9.50 |
Have done Liber DCCCCLXIII.
‘Tis hardly thinkable that one could have read it
(merely) in the time. Say three and a half hours!
Well, if it doesn’t count as Tapas, and Jap, and
Yama, and Niyama, and all the rest of it, all I can
say is that I think They don’t play fair. I will now
go and get something to eat, and (God willing) on my
return settle down to real work, for I need daylight
to copy my Ritual. |
11.30 |
A sandwich and two coffees
at the Versailles and a citron pressé at the Dome,
some little chatter with Maurice Bourne Hughes, and
others. In fact, I’m a lazy unconcentrated hound. I
started Mantra again, though; of course it goes
quite easily. |
11.50 |
Undressed, and the mantra
going, and the Will toward Adonai less unapparent.
To-day I began ill, full
of spiritual pride—look at the records of my early
hours! One might have thought me a great master of
magic loftily condescending to explain a few
elementary truths suited to the capacity of his
The fact is that I am a
toad, ugly and venomous, and if I do wear a precious
jewel in my hand, that jewel is Adonai, and—well,
come to think of it, I am Adonai. But Crowley is not
Adonai; and Crowley had better do a little
humiliation to-morrow.
Nothing being more
humiliating than Prana Yama, I will begin with that. |
[90] |