Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 19 November 1909



[See Introduction to The Vision and the Voice for background information]

[Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria]



I left on the 19th for Arba [modern day el-Arba or L'arba] by tramway. There we dined and walked uphill through magnificent gorges—better by night than by day. 21 km to Sakamody, sleeping on the way in 3 separate bivouacs. Everything green was very wet and the night quite cold.


Arrived at Sakamody, 8:30 A.M. I ordered breakfast and while waiting invented a machine for word-counting.


It is strapped to the hand, the dial by an elastic round the knuckles, the contact by a ring for the finger-nail. The counting mechanism is adapted from any machine of the sort in which a single tap sends forward the pointer one stroke.


Counting dial held

in closed fingers.

Pin: each tap

sends dial on.


