Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 3 December 1909
[See Introduction to The Vision and the Voice for background information] [Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria]
Went up to Dāleh Uzdu[1] and began the 14th Æthyr.[2] But of the further ceremony that I accomplished upon the summit HUFA it is not lawful to write.[3]
Yet on this date, be it written in
letters of ebony upon black granite, I did finally and
definitely with all humility take that which has so long
lain ready to my hand; and I purpose to write to my Superior
in the Order announcing the same, in the morning. And
wearing the
1—Also called Dāleh Addin and Djebel Zaab. 2—The Vision and the Voice gives the times as 2:50 - 3:15 and 9:50 - 11:15 P.M. 3—Crowley's "Comment on the Natures of the Æthyrs," 16th Æthyr, explicitly refers to a sacrifice, and a passage from the MS if this comment (omitted in the 1909 first edition) also refers to "HVFA." His Confessions account of this sacrifice makes clear the sex-magical nature of this rite. This rite may have resulted from the solitary retreat (ordered in the 17th Æthyr) which Crowley undertook just before the 16th Æthyr. 4—The Hebrew equivalents for Sun-Virgo-nun-Moon are "RING."