Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 18 May 1910



May 18, 1910. Anhalonium lewinii.


1:30. Lunch—light. No alcohol.


2:15 P.M. I am slightly congested cerebrally, and see a færy flush of yellow and red over Venice on closing eyes.


3:00. One seems to get moving-pictures of things last seen before closing eyes made luminous.


3:05. Thought-intensity exaggerated, and time sense a little altered. Very slight nausea.


3:10. Out in gondola in sun. No visions.


3:18. Purple eagle with two heads bearing a long trumpet. No true visions.


3:25. Jag of white flame on left eye only. But how can we tell? It's a subjective feeling in the eye.


3:37. I who am all and made it all abide its separate Lord.


White R[ose] and C[ross] azure ground.


Normal red eyes-shit sunlight effect. Stained with emerald serpentine.


4:15. Vision of horrid cad.


The horrid cad does not want the wonderful seer.




What a foolish creature you are.[1]


6:10 Though no visions are occurring, there seems a lot of psychological sensitiveness about.


With a veil in a lace shop, I had a wonderful vision of     ,[2] exquisitely lovely.


7:40. The active man is the normal; but he tires, and seeking rest in passivity, finds the passive man a neurotic, restless, impatient person.


8:30. After dinner with Chianti it is as if I had taken nothing.



1—In the MS, Crowley's handwriting is profoundly changed by the drug's effects, with a pronounced leftward slant; he even misspelled serpentine as "surpentine." The records for 4:10 and 4:17 are heavily scored through but still barely readable in MS; the probable reading is restored in the text. From the context it appears that Crowley picked up a man, which would explain the precaution of deleting the passage and the subsequent reference to "Alys."

2—ALYS, Crowley's name for his feminine persona.


