Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Ab-ul-Diz Working

Monday, 4 December 1911




9:00 P.M.


P[erdurabo]: Adsum![1]


S. drunk. Seer sees 444. I’d better go to London at once and find the Book IV.


P[erdurabo]: What about my . . . . . ?


A[b-ul-Diz]: You did receive something in the 7th month ?  97 and you’ve got to pay.


P[erdurabo]: Have I not paid?


A[b-ul-Diz]: No. But you shall pay, and there will be such joy in the doing.


S[eer]: (?) — — — — — — — ?


A[b-ul-Diz]: What have you done with 24 and the sign of the cross and the crown? Write as fast as you can; the 4th, 5th number, then the 3rd, then the 1st and 0 is greater than all; for 0 [. . .] is the Circle and the Crown. (They’re all sitting round the long table. Something in the middle.—a book open.—they are divided in opinion about something).


P[erdurabo]: How shall I get this Book IV?


A[b-ul-Diz]: Waiting in London.


P[erdurabo]: I don’t want the rational answer, I want the absurd.


A[b-ul-Diz]: 1429.


P[erdurabo]: Enlarge on this.


A[b-ul-Diz]: 10 - - - - - It’s all about water. (I.e. Book IV is.)


P[erdurabo]: Tell me more.


A[b-ul-Diz]: You disdained the ship I offered you. The ship was No. 1. 4. with the head of a negro, golden beak, breast white.


In his, A.’s, hand a wand (?) with golden spearhead. The feather was from a white dove in front of ship. Now P. steps in dressed in white.


[A.] 29—read 29!—and 39! Don’t waste time!




I think S. should be excited [. . . . .] by.


[A.] Read 69 - - - - -




S. sees the crocodile hand. A. is now in black—the room by the incense. His name is I AM.


P[erdurabo]: What is my name?


A[b-ul-Diz]: KAM.


P[erdurabo]: What is S.’s name?


A[b-ul-Diz]: . . . . . . . 7 Heb[rew] Characters . . . V . . . . . out of 3 letters of P.’s.


P[erdurabo]: Out of which name?


A[b-ul-Diz]: Mystic Name.


P[erdurabo]: Which?


A[b-ul-Diz]: Seventh (?) 731


A[b-ul-Diz]: S. sees Starry Heaven.


P[erdurabo]: Your name?


A[b-ul-Diz]: V I R A K A M.[2]


S[eer]: Do you want to know about the Sword?


P[erdurabo]: Yes.


S[eer]: It’s lying sheathed on table.


P[erdurabo]: Well?


S[eer]: - - - The Brothers are turning red on the 9th. - - - White ball rolling on table from side to side—never falls. [. . .] They’re placing academic robes on P.[3] and a chain with a cross.[4] They vote, 9 votes cast, 2 not cast—these two in same robes as P. (There are now 11 brethren).


P[erdurabo]: What do they vote about?


S[eer]: Can’t find out - - - - - - - - I wish you’d let me go. - - - - Bishop brought in to decide. - - - - Let me go.—I can’t understand it all.


P[erdurabo]: You have my sympathy.


S[eer]: The white man says I must obey all.


P[erdurabo]: Who is all?


S[eer]: Almighty.


P[erdurabo]: Who is that?


S[eer]: The Knower of All.


P[erdurabo]: Who is that?


S[eer]: It’s just a sunblaze.—Old man going to door, where is One Eye.


P[erdurabo]: Yes?


S[eer]: He knocks with a sword. Opens it. Steps, up. Up he goes. People on steps not very visible.—Afraid I’m useless.—so much I’m missing.


A[b-ul-Diz]: If you blind your eyes you will see; if you obey you will know.


S[eer]: We (A. and S.) have come out where there’s nothing. I’m not afraid. Take me home.—I want to be near you. (S. nearly crying.)


P[erdurabo]: You are near me, sweet.


S[eer]: They put black robe on me too, one like you have. Oh I’m afraid. (Trembling all over and gasping.)—Only one star!—Oh if I only knew what it was!—Under the feet of A. is skull and cross bones.


P[erdurabo]: Good.


S[eer]: The cross bones form support of chair. Nobody in chair now.—Somebody sitting cross legged in it. Bell on table.—My old man only does what they tell him—just waits—has ring on arm—There’s terrible enemy rising up for P.


P[erdurabo]: Who?


S[eer]: Tall, smooth-faced, long face, hair brushed back, age 30.—40, 33 no! 34.


P[erdurabo]: Name?


S[eer]: N.G.—N.G.B. Bingham. Something ending in ham.


P[erdurabo]: Birmingham?


S[eer]: Yes it could be that. But you’ll show him the white feather of the dove—a quill—dip in ink.—Everybody’s in black, heads covered, only eyes showing. They’re all signing something in a book. 1st signs X.—2nd signs R.


P[erdurabo]: When next séance?


S[eer]: He signs X.


P[erdurabo]: Meaning?


S[eer]: I won’t do it any more. Yes: I’ll just obey. (Sobs).


P[erdurabo]: When?



1—[Latin, "I am present."]

2—P.S. December 10th [1911]. VIRAKAM = 278 (Cherubim) VIR. = Man or strength. KAM Work (or for kama, lust). 278 ÷ 2 x 139 (Hiddekel).

3—S. says P had a double Janus face when robe was put on.

4—[P.S.]. This seems to refer to my O.T.O. initiation, where a chain with a cross was given me, also robes of an Academia Masonica. Note the 9º = 2o symbolism here. There are two other Magi besides P. (666) on the earth.


