Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Ab-ul-Diz Working

Sunday, 10 December 1911




8:40 P.M.


I have arranged the room ceremonially as before; but will recite the Invocation of Hoor as in Egypt, beginning at 8:50.




Did this. Near beginning Stone of Wand flew out, and was lost.




P[erdurabo]: Nemo adest.




S.’s body is being turned around to face P. (This astrally) S. is going to high door (of a temple) always towards left. Two high carved figures at door, one each side. Inside is nothing but a great Vault, bottomless; but now a white figure is sitting in middle on a raised thing.


P[erdurabo]: Where’s your old man?


S[eer]: I don’t know.


This figure holds up its left hand; thumb standing out very straight, on it he balances a chain. He has black rod and points to lines of his own hand. A blue glass covers his palm. There are lines through glass.—6 lines, and at each point are different figures, e.g. a man on horseback, a very black bird.


P[erdurabo]: Ask him Where is old man?


S[eer]: Beside me.


P[erdurabo]: What is his real message?


S. keeps on being turned to left.


P[erdurabo]: (Repeats).


P[erdurabo]: Does he want you to go to left?


S[eer]: Something’s wrong: I don’t know what. I don’t see him.


(Thinks she’s been really pushed.


S[eer]: (Repeats above.) I’m in desert. Can’t you clear it up?


P[erdurabo]: Aiwass! Aiwass! Aiwass! Aiwass! Aiwass! Aiwass! - - - - - Long pause- - - - - -




S. repeats: “Something wrong etc. Long pause.—S. repeats again.


P[erdurabo]: Ab-ul-Diz! Ab-ul-Diz! Ab-ul-Diz! Ab-ul-Diz! Ab-ul-Diz! Ab-ul-Diz! Ab-ul-Diz!


S[eer]: Big black door.


P[erdurabo]: Go through it.


S[eer]: Closed.


P[erdurabo]: Break it open!


S[eer]: All black—a cloth now. Hooded man in guards door.


P[erdurabo]: Push him away. Give some sign.


S[eer]: I should have something on my head.


P[erdurabo]: Put on that white bandage (astral).


S[eer]: I can see nothing. I can do nothing. If only old man were here!


P[erdurabo]: Why isn’t he?


S[eer]: Is this right hour?


P[erdurabo]: Yes. Perhaps you’ve done something wrong!


S[eer]: Now I see first room filled with figures in black robes and folded arms, faces hooded.


P[erdurabo]: Is old man there?


S[eer]: Sure, if I could only get to him.


P[erdurabo]: Call his name.


S[eer]: They’re not near me as usual.


P[erdurabo]: Ask why.


S[eer]: - - - - - I think my friend is here now. - - - - - So indistinct. - - - - - Something wrong with me.


P[erdurabo]: Ask forgiveness; ask what you’re to do to get right.


S[eer]: I’m to obey.


P[erdurabo]: In what have you disobeyed?


S[eer]: Faith.


P[erdurabo]: Faith in what?


S[eer]: Faith in all. I haven’t taken the 20 steps (I can’t do it: I’m ready to die: I can’t hear or understand. I want to go away.)


P[erdurabo]: Is there anything you can do to put it right?


S[eer]: I can do nothing, dear.


P[erdurabo]: Is that what they tell you?


S[eer]: To wait.


P[erdurabo]: Anything else?


S[eer]: ‘‘Your (i.e. S.’s)“ part is to serve.’’


P[erdurabo]: Serve whom?


S[eer]: The purpose.


P[erdurabo]: Whose purpose?


S[eer]: P.’s.


P[erdurabo]: What is my purpose?


S[eer]: To bring the Light.


P[erdurabo]: Amen. What can you do to aid that?


S[eer]: Obey.


P[erdurabo]: But I do not wish to command.


S[eer]: The way shall be made clear. We shall be taken by the hand and guided and can make no mistakes. P.’s cloak shall cover you. (I.e. S. is to do something that’s meant for P. to do.)




P[erdurabo]: Shall we R. to פ or י? (Go to France or Italy?)


S[eer]: י. (I saw candlestick with 3 candles) (Italy).


P[erdurabo]: Shall we be 412, 73, or 434? (I.e.“ 2, 3, or 4).


S[eer]: 73.


P[erdurabo]: A. how many R’s of E? (after [how many] Revolutions of Earth?)


S[eer]: 7 (and a 7 and then it passed away.) Now I see a 9.


P[erdurabo]: Is 200—200 right? (Raymond Radclyffe).


S[eer]: (202 I see) Yes. But there’s a good deal of doubt about it. Finally yes.


P[erdurabo]: This is very important: please make sure.


S[eer]: Y — S — S.


P[erdurabo]: Will he swear that by the body of Nuit?


S[eer]: He doesn’t want to.


P[erdurabo]: Is that because it seems to be a material affair?


S[eer]: Yes.


P[erdurabo]: Then will he swear it by the head of Ra-Hoor-Khuit?


S[eer]: Yes.


P[erdurabo]: Is the doubt really in his mind, or in yours or mine?


S[eer]: Not in his.


P[erdurabo]: Is it in yours?


S[eer]: Yes. You can be assured.


P[erdurabo]: That’s very nice of him. Shall we do a M.R. and p. MMM? (Magical Retirement and practise High Magic?)


S[eer]: Yes.


P[erdurabo]: By M? (The Sea).


S[eer]: I see a T.


P[erdurabo]: In 246? or near it? (Rome).


S[eer]: 247.


P[erdurabo]: (aside) 50 + 1 + 80 + 30 + 5 + 60 = 216 (Naples). 20 + 1 + 80 + 200 + 10 = 311 (Capri).


P[erdurabo]: 216 or 311?


S[eer]: 311.


P[erdurabo]: Then not 247? (Oh, I see! ‘‘246 and beyond’’.)


S[eer]: 4 is very important.


P[erdurabo]: Will he make another app[ointmen]t?


S[eer]: They have something to tell you; they’re all in white now.


P[erdurabo]: Please tell.


S[eer]: Something about ‘‘Sepher Sephiroth.’’


P[erdurabo]: What?


S[eer]: I saw 2 white I’s, 11 then a quite separate 7. Try every 7th number.


P[erdurabo]: Beginning from which?


S[eer]: From 11.


P[erdurabo]: I will. I want you to strengthen the bond between you and these people.


S[eer]: How? By promising obedience? By taking oath?


P[erdurabo]: Would that help?


S[eer]: They show me with spot in centre.


P[erdurabo]: Is it a spot? Look again.


S[eer]: A crown.


P[erdurabo]: Look again.


S[eer]: It’s red.


P[erdurabo]: See thing in centre clearly.


S[eer]: A cross.


P[erdurabo]: Look once more. You said a spot?


S[eer]: —A rose?—An eye!


P[erdurabo]: Good; very good! When shall we see them again?


S[eer]: The 11th (No: it can’t be. I don’t want to see them again till I see them more clearly.)


P[erdurabo]: Obey!


S[eer]: I swear it. Old man will come alone tomorrow at 7.


P[erdurabo]: Can’t he make it a more convenient hour, such as 10?


S[eer]: Yes, 10.


P[erdurabo]: Does he want me to invoke as tonight?


S[eer]: Be better prepared. Use the holy rite.


P[erdurabo]: Which holy rite?


S[eer]: You use that for initiation.


P[erdurabo]: You mean the opening?


S[eer]: Yes.


P[erdurabo]: Very good. Vale, Frater. What shall I do to Seer? Shall she be 391 (normal) or under C2H6O or 31?(Dr[ops] 4).


S[eer]: 6280 (Meaning C2H6O.)


P[erdurabo]: After the due performance of the Rites of Venus?


S[eer]: Ay, verily!


P[erdurabo]: Vale, Frater!


After ceremony P. went out: S. saw him with 4 eyes and a balance in his mouth. In hand something—right foot raised. From eyes shoot 4 figures.


