Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 19 December 1911
10:00 P.M. The old man says he’s been waiting since 7 a.m.
P[erdurabo]: May I ask as before?
S[eer]: Begin with zero.
P[erdurabo]: I always do and end with it.
S[eer]: There is no end.
P[erdurabo]: There doesn’t seem to be even much middle.
S[eer]: There are two columns upright.
P[erdurabo]: I know their names.
P[erdurabo]: I have begun with zero, indeed, now may I go on?
S[eer]: Yes, after A. All is ready; are you ready?
P[erdurabo]: Yes. W.i.K.t.d.a.P.? (What is K[undry] to do about Preston?)
S[eer]: The question was answered yesterday. Wait, and see further.
P[erdurabo]: C.m.? (Concerning money?)
S[eer]: 29.
P[erdurabo]: Explain this further.
S[eer]: It explains itself.
P[erdurabo]: Yes, to me, but not to Virakam.
S[eer]: She must believe you.
P[erdurabo]: I refuse to ask her to do so, as contrary to my system of scepticism.
S[eer]: You’re wasting time; she is ready. Why do you doubt?—Out of 96.
P[erdurabo]: Wisdom. (?) Because S. varies.
S[eer]: Not really. Have faith.
P[erdurabo]: Then will S. make a definite plan and act on it at once?
S[eer]: No. It’s being made. We are making it.
P[erdurabo]: Then what is it?
S[eer]: Wait. Why can’t you see clearly? Remember 444.
P[erdurabo]: But this matter must be settled within 12 hours.
S[eer]: It’s been settled, absolutely.
P[erdurabo]: Then what is it?
S[eer]: Understand - - - - - - Can’t you remember?
P[erdurabo]: No.
S[eer]: All or nothing. 1000 (? 1500). No doubt.
P[erdurabo]: W.V.a.a.o.? (Will Virakam act at once?)
S[eer]: Yes.
P[erdurabo]: Swear it.
S[eer]: We swear by 3.
P[erdurabo]: Will V. understand this on reading records?
S[eer]: Virakam is white ‘‘(2)’’
P[erdurabo]: Yes; but will she understand?
S[eer]: Read the meaning of white. Her colour is blue.
P[erdurabo]: N.w.a.t.V.? (Now what about the Villa?)
S[eer]: What you will. Patience; there is danger of health.
P[erdurabo]: H.o.f.? (Here or further?)
S[eer]: No. (Insists on this.) You asked wrongly.
P[erdurabo]: H.? (Here?)
S[eer]: Where?
P[erdurabo]: R.? (Rome?)
S[eer]: No.
P[erdurabo]: N.? (Naples?)
S[eer]: Yes. (You only muddle yourself.)
P[erdurabo]: W.? (When?)
S[eer]: Why?—The chain is broken.
P[erdurabo]: Is V. to work herself, or only to help P.?
S[eer]: Ask so that I can’t tell. I see a pale green light—green and yellow. Virakam is to work, to serve. Her path shall be made plain—across waters. Hold her hand. Something’s meant by that; you’ll know what. X.X.X. They offer you a red hood of some kind. The old man has a gavel in his hand. C O R I N E or G. Picture of a fish, round whose tail is a wreath.
P[erdurabo]: Ask for his blessing.
S[eer]: He will give you some advice.
P[erdurabo]: Ready.
S[eer]: Tomorrow you will find what you seek; you will know, for he will be with you and give you the sign. Don’t hesitate and don’t worry, bring forth the fruits. The way is paved, and the stairs slanted. Don’t be afraid. Make the sign in answer. Till tomorrow.
P[erdurabo]: Good-bye!
S[eer]: There is no good-bye. There’s work to be done; I’m always ready. Don’t struggle. Accept and believe Abuldiz. (He holds his finger to one eye, which means, Close your eyes and see.)
P[erdurabo]: Yes.
S[eer]: Yes.
P[erdurabo]: When see you again?
S[eer]: To-morrow.
P[erdurabo]: Evening? At what time?
S[eer]: 7 to 9—10!
P[erdurabo]: All right. Wake up!