Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 2 December 1912




11 p.m.


Record of his first celebration by an initiate 33° 90° 96° at 11 P.M. Dec. 2 1912 being not very prepared, being ill and having been 3 days in bed, and very depressed about matters of this vain world, I performed weakly and imperfectly this great work.


Immediately I was aware of a taste so subtle and so sweet that I know of nothing wherewith to compare it.


Next, I was filled with a most equable and genial warmth, as if it were the spirit of health itself that had entered into me, This feeling remained for some hours.


Further, I was filled with great energy. Although I had been very weak and tired before the working, I was perfectly fresh after it, so much so that every limb of my body seemed to wish to excuse itself. I fell asleep shortly afterwards, and woke two hours later with the feeling that I had had a full night's rest.


Before sleeping, I looked astrally at my body. It had become the Body of Nuit, being a thousand thousand galaxies of pure white stars, blazing and moving with incredible softness and velocity. The spine was particularly bright, chakras nuclei of the star-storm.


I concentrated on the ajna [pineal gland chakra]. Almost instantly I broke through into a solar dhyana, more vivid and intense than I have known, and so imminent that I was able to withdraw from it and return at pleasure, which, as need would have it, I did repeatedly.


Most surprising and permanent is the complete relief from the mental worry which I had been suffering. Mentally and physically I am ten years younger.


