Golden Book Entry circa June 1913
[written in Crowley's hand]
Here followeth an account of the establishment of this most arcane, most illuminated and most Omnific Order in partibus gentium Britannicorum. The O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order—i.e. Theodor Reuss] approached me at the Equinox of Aries, An VI, acknowledged me as a VII° of the O.T.O. by right, and subsequently induced me to the VII°. After various lengthy negotiations he conferred upon me and upon Lady Laylah I.N.B. Waddell [Leila Waddell] the IX° and last of all crowned me with the X° Supremus Rex by his charter of the first of June 1912 e.v. I accordingly obtained permission from the A∴A∴ and proceeded to recognise the Order on lines suited to the present Era.
[ . . . ]
In all lodges of the O.T.O. and M∴M∴M∴ in Great Britain and Ireland the Volume of the Sacred Law shall be the Book of Thelema, or a facsimile copy of Liber Legis (CCXX), and no initiations upon any other document will be recognised by the Grand Lodge.